Since 2003, we are actively pursuing European and national (Greek) funding programmes, which allow us to:
enhance our competitiveness (both on a local, as well as on an international level),
increase our production capabilities,
facilitate transition to quality entrepreneurship through a clear focus on innovation and R&D,
strengthen our everyday business operations.
The programmes to which we participate derive from different sources, such as funding instruments managed directly by the European Commission or national funds.
Besides co-financed programmes, we are also pursuing other funding instruments available to enterprises: the funding provided can take up different forms such as grants, loans, capital investment, tax breaks etc.
The “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation” (EPAnEK) Operational Programme is one of the five sectoral operational programmes of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (the new NSRF) for the period 2014-2020, which along with the 13 Regional Operational Programmes, were approved on 18/12/2014 by the European Commission.
EPAnEK covers the whole of Greece and has a 4.916 billion Euros public expenditure budget (3.84 billion Union contribution). The pivotal strategic objective is to enhance the competitiveness and extroversion of enterprises, to facilitate transition to quality entrepreneurship with innovation and the growth of domestic added value as the cutting edge.
The Operational Programme for Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation occupies a central position to the Country's efforts to create a new production model that will lead to development and will strengthen the competitiveness of the Greek economy by leveraging private financing.
The new model brings to the fore productive, competitive and outward-looking sectors of the economy, such as tourism, energy, agri-food, the environment, the supply chain, information and communication technologies, health and the pharmaceutical industry, creative and cultural industries, materials – construction.
Through EPAnEK and in synergy with Regional Operational Programmes, the Smart Specialisation strategy is implemented with a view to connecting research and innovation with entrepreneurship, and to enhance/develop existing and/or new competitive advantages of the Country and its Regions.
Key Facts:
On 22 March 2018, IST was approved for inclusion to the EPAnEK Operational Programme. The relevant decision can be found in the "EPAnEK Operational Programme 2014-2020 - Final list of approved enterprises 22-03-2018.pdf" document (available only in Greek). The document is available in the Downloads & Resources section, at the end of this page.
IST is referenced in page 308 of the aforementioned document (entry number 5027779).
Total Funding Budget (following an amendment in May 2020): 70,992.88 Euros
Approved Public Funding (following an amendment in May 2020): 28,397.15 Euros (40% of the total budget)
Own / Private Funding (following an amendment in May 2020): 42,595.73 Euros (60% of the total budget)
Status (as at May 2020): Completed